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I’m Ms. Webb and I support students who need a bit of extra attention & empathy to find the confidence and skills so they can meet their own academic and social goals.

Our Environment

WebbSprout hosts programs for kids geared toward self-acceptance, confidence, and curiosity-led learning for kids (age 8+).


What we offer:

  • Small, safe, home-based learning community to explore a variety of topics

  • Opportunities for kids to practice social and academic skills

  • Programs for kids who:

    • Aren’t meeting their full potential at school

    • Would benefit from extracurricular support.


Check out our current programs below.

NeuroDiverse Support Classes
Starting in March, 2024
Contact Ms. Webb for an intake interview appointment!

WebbSprout Learning Programs are for students in grades 3-8 to receive after school support from a highly qualified teacher. The bespoke curriculum and safe space is designed to foster opportunities for kids to explore their true selves and find their voice to become more independent and confident in their regular public school classes.

Our Mission

My sexual and mental health education courses are designed to provide quality of life and critical safety information. I strive to work with students and families to help them meet their academic and social goals. My approach involves two important pillars:

  • Building individual relationships with students that support academic and social development

  • Fostering a supportive community environment among the students


Our Vision

At WebbSprout, students need not fear judgement from classmates. They are already aware of how different they are, so taking the risks needed to learn (i.e. asking a question) can be hard in a regular classroom. But here, we can safely discuss the awkward questions and laugh together at our social mis-steps.

Upcoming Sexual & Mental Health Programs

Comprehensive learning program about sexual and mental health that impacts children and youth.

Spring Sprouts
  • Grades 3-5 (Approximately)

  • Ideally Pre-puberty

  • 4:00-5:00pm 

Summer Growth
  • Grade 6-8 (Approximately)

  • Active Puberty

  • 5:30-7:00pm

Autumn Reflection
  • Grade 9-11 (Approximately)

  • Physically Mature, Emotionally Not

  • 7:30- 9:00pm

Since each child is unique in their development if you are unsure about which class is right for them, please contact Ms Webb through the contact form below.

Stay tuned for upcoming Spring Workshop dates and our Summer Day Camp and Comprehensive Fall Program currently under development!

Schedule & Cost

 The full program runs for 12 weeks

$600 per student

Starting in Fall 2024


Stay tuned for details on week-long Summer Day Camps!


A donation will be made to all community organisations who present through the WebbSprout program with gratitude and in appreciation of our shared mission.

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